
Welcome to LeZa! A cloud-based security gateway for application services and APIs. LeZa provides a modern security access platform for all cloud-based and legacy on-prem apps. It allows users to quickly implement Auth2.0 and OpenID Connect with easy to use flexible functionality to centrally manage an advanced AuthN/AuthZ gateway across all your services.

How does it work?

The LeZa platform interface enables users to configure the access gateway and authentication for their applications and APIs with no code. The access gateway is handled by our LeZa Proxy an open-source software that can be installed on any local server or cloud provider infrastructure.

Key components

The Platform

"LeZa Platform" or "LeZa Admin" is cloud-hosted and accessible through the following link: Access is available for private beta users. We would be happy to welcome you. In order to join send an email to

LeZa Admin provides you with the no-code functionality to register your applications and APIs, secure your endpoints, compile security policies, configure users, roles, permissions, etc... Additionally, the built-in analytics logs will also provide you with insights on traffic flowing through your application.

The Proxy

LeZa Proxy is open-source software that can be installed on any infrastructure, it is currently available in the form of a Docker repository. The proxy plays the role of a security gateway to your applications and services and is easily configured through LeZa Platform.

Read more about the proxy and how to set it up here.

Your application

Your application is any front-end service or API that is being protected by LeZa, it generally sits on the same network as the Proxy and is not publicly accessible (from the open internet).

Read more about how to set up your network to create a secure environment for your application here.

Where to go next?

A Quick Guide to Getting Started

Have a look at our Getting Started page to start using LeZa and have your app service or API secured in less than 10 minutes.

Basic Concepts

A collection of key concepts to be familiar with when implementing LeZa

API Reference

Most of our features are also exposed as APIs so you can easily integrate LeZa through our APIs by checking this link.

LeZa Feature Overview

If you would like to get a detailed understanding of our features visit the reference section (currently under construction 👷).

Last updated